Expresso 0,80€
Descaffeinated 0,90€
Expresso with Milk 1,05€
Cup 3,00€

Condensed milk mousse, chocolate mousse, lemon cheesecake, red fruits cheesecake, sweet caramel with banana, others…

Dessert Shot 1,50€

Condensed milk mousse, chocolate mousse, lemon cheesecake, red fruits cheesecake, sweet caramel with banana, others…

Dessert Shot + Expresso 2,00€

Condensed milk mousse, chocolate mousse, lemon cheesecake, red fruits cheesecake, sweet caramel with banana, others…

Prices include VAT at the current rate.

Come visit us!

We are proud of our gastronomy. We have the concept of making hamburgers with typical and traditional ingredients of Portuguese gastronomy. We want you to travel with us through various regions of Portugal through the palate, offering unique burgers, with identity and where quality is the main ingredient.